TM 1-1520-240-BD
Initial Assessment. Refer to Table 2-1. To
perform an initial assessment, the assessor must be
acquainted with structural damage modes and the
primary structure. He shall be capable of differentiating
between primary and secondary structure, and he must
understand the function of primary structural elements.
The initial assessment consists of a visual inspection of
primary structure. The assessor determines if any
primary caps, webs, or panels are damaged or fractured
and decides whether-
(1) The damage appears to be deferrable;
(2) A detailed assessment can be made and the
damage can be repaired by BDAR techniques within the
time available to return the aircraft to service in the
ongoing battle;
(3) An adequate assessment can be made and
the damage can be repaired by BDAR techniques to
enable the aircraft to self-recover;
(4) A detailed assessment cannot be made or the
damage cannot be repaired by BDAR techniques within
the available time; or
(5) The aircraft is damaged beyond repair, and its
cannibalization, or destruction).
Detailed Assessment.
(1) Access to Damaged Structure. Locate all
damage to airframe primary structure. Remove access
panels, covers, and fairings in the damaged area.
Remove aircraft components as required to inspect the
structure. Use the location of entrance and exit wounds
and the estimates of projectile paths to determine the
areas where damage may be present and access to
interior inspection will be needed. If an area of structure
suspected of being damaged cannot be reached by
other means, cut small inspection holes in the exterior
skin. Then inspect internal members with an inspection
light and mirror.
Inspection holes cut in the exterior
skin if left unrepaired will have to be
treated as damaged structure in the
damage evaluation. Allow for access
to the areas immediately next to the
area where damage is known to have
occurred. This will ensure that
damage caused by stray particles
and dislodged sections of material
can be found. All significant damage
to the airframe primary structure
must be located. Small damage can
be critical to some components.
(2) Inspecting for Cracks.
(a) Impact Cracks. Cracks may be caused
by projectile impact or penetration. They may also be
caused as a direct result of blast pressures. Battle
damaged elements carrying reduced loads will place
more severe loads on surviving members and may also
produce cracks. When cracks are a result of these last
two factors, they may occur in regions away from the
size of the primary damage.
(b) Projectile Damage Site Cracks. Cracks
will primarily be found at the site of the projectile
damage. Holes, spalls, and gouges caused by ricochets
associated with them. These may be large and visible
or hairline microscopic. Small cracks may be as critical
as large cracks because then may grow rapidly under
continued loading, particularly when located at the edge
of a hole.
(c) Airframe Structure Cracks. Locate all
cracks in airframe primary structure. At each damage
site, inspect the area for cracks. Use inspection aids
such as magnifying glasses or dye penetrant to locate
small cracks. Cracks may not go all the way through the
material, so it is necessary to inspect both sides. When
a structure shows signs of overstress, it is vital to
inspect for cracks around fasteners.
High Explosive Incendiary (HIFI)
Explosion Cracks. For aircraft damaged by an HEI
strike, inspect all of the structure in the area of the
explosion. Aircraft may have been flown with major
structural battle damage or failure. It is vital to inspect
for cracks in all areas to which additional load may have
been distributed.