TM 1-1520-240-BD(7) InspectingforBrokenandMissingFasteners.(a) FastenerDamageorLoss. Somefasteners join parts together in an assembly, and somejoin one structural member to another. Sheared, pulled-through, torn-out, elongated fastener holes, and thedamage or loss of fasteners can severely weaken thesoundness of a structure.(b) RivetedandBoltedJoints.Inspect all riveted and bolted joints near the battledamage. Look for sheared, pulled-through, tom-outfasteners, and elongated fastener holes. Carefullyinspect members showing signs of structural changeand for fasteners with chipped or cracked paint. Wherepossible, inspect fasteners from both sides. Clearlymark and record all damaged fasteners on DA Form2404 (Figure 2-4).(8) InspectingforDelaminations. To verifysuspected damage to honeycomb structures, use cointapping methods to determine size and shape ofdisbonds/delaminations.NOTEResonation of coin tapping on thestructure will determine hollownessor existence of delaminations.(9) MarkingandRecordingDamage.(a) DamageRecording. Accuraterecording of damage is an important part of battledamage assessment. Record all detected damage onDA Form 2404 (Figure 2-4). Determine allowabledamage limits. Establish an order of repair on DA Form2404 (Figure 2-4). Record individual areas of damageto a single structural element separately on the form. Ifa structural member is massively damaged or severed,recording individual areas of damage is unnecessary.(b) DamageDiagrams. Show thelocation and extent of damage on copies of thediagrams given in this chapter. The damage can bedrawn by hand. Accurately locating damage on adiagram will greatly help the damage assessmentprocedure.(c) MarkingDamage. Mark thedamaged structure using grease pencil or paint. Use thelabeling scheme given in Figure 2-5.Figure 2-5. Measuring Cap or Longeron Damage2-9
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