TM 1-1520-240-BDFigure 2-8. Measuring Damage In Floors and Decks(b) Honeycomb Sandwich Structures.Refer to Figure 2-9 for the measurement of "WL" and"D." If a projectile hits a sandwich panel at an angle, thedamages in the two skins may be off-set and of differentsizes. Measure the damage on the side with the largestdamage (usually the exit side), and make sure that themeasurement includes the damaged area on the otherside. "WL" is the largest dimension across the damage(both sides), regardless of direction, and must include allradiated cracks. "D" is the distance between damages.Take and record the measurements as previouslydescribed.d.GeneralDamageUnits.(1) The allowable damage limits corresponding tothe damage measurements of paragraph 2-2 aredesignated for a given condition as follows:CD'= Allowable depth of cap/longerondamage.DL'= Allowable length (width) of cap/longerondamage.A'= Allowable area of damage.D'= Minimum allowable distance betweendamages.WL'= Allowable largest dimension acrossweb/panel damage.N= Minimum Damage Factor.(2) Allowable damage limits are associated withthe conditions of the primary structural elements asdescribed below. A damage limit for a given condition isa measure of the amount of damage that a structuralmember can sustain and still support the loadsassociated with the given condition. These limits weredeveloped from the aircraft manufacturer's originalengineering design calculations.2-12
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