TM 1-1520-240-BDCAUTIONUse of lead pencil in some areas willcause corrosion.1Use a bright color to outline eacharea of damage as it is located and recorded on the DAForm 2404 (Figure 2-4). Attempt to make the outlinevisible from all angles.2Draw arrows on inside skin panels,webs, and bulkheads to point toward areas of damagethat are hidden.c.DamageMeasurement. If the assessmentindicates that the damage should be repaired by BDARor standard procedures, no damage measurement isnecessary. Damage measurement is required todetermine if structural repair (other than cleanup) can bedeferred, or if self-recovery of the damaged aircraft isfeasible. Damage measurement may also be required ifa BDAR repair does not restore original strength. Begindamage measurement with the largest damage.(1) CapsandLongerons.(a) The parameters involved in measuringdamage to a cap or longeron are shown in Figure 2-5.The pertinent values are as follows:CD=Depth of damage.CL=Length (width) of damage.A=CL X CD = area of damage.D=Distance between damages.In Figure 2-6, the length of the flattened cross sectionshown is a+b.If CD is the depth of the damage into the flattened crosssection, then CS is the length of the remaining effectivecross section still capable of supporting load, andCS=(a+b)-CD. Always measure CD.Figure 2-6. Damaged Cross Section2-10
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