TM 1-1520-240-BD(b) Damage measurements apply aftercleanup and smoothing or after BDAR has beenaccomplished; however, as a practical matter,measurements must often be taken before smoothing tomake a decision on deferability. Hence, whenestimating damage limits before cleanup andsmoothing, make allowance for the material that will beremoved in smoothing. This applies particularly tocracks; the length of the crack must be included in thedepth (CD) and length (CL) measurements. Whenmeasuring damage, use the following procedures ifpossible:1Clean all damaged areasthoroughly. Use brushes and rags to remove dirt andfilm from small crevices where damage may be present.2Measure damage after smoothingor if measuring before smoothing, make allowance forthe material which must be removed during smoothing.3Use a steel rule graduated in tenthsof an inch and measure each damage dimension to thenext higher tenth.4Include the size of the hole whenmeasuring damage that extends into a fastener hole orlightening hole.5Record on DA Form 2404 (Figure2-4).(2) Webs,Panels,Floors,andDecks.(a) Refer to Figures 2-7 and 2-8 for themeasurements of "WL" and "D." "WL" is the largestdimension across the damage, regardless of directionand must include all radiated cracks. "D" is the distancebetween damages. Take and record measurements asdescribed in paragraph 2-2.Figure 2-7. Measuring Skin Panel Damage2-11
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