TM 1-1520-240-BD2-10. REPLACEORSUBSTITUTEBOLTSFORSCREWS.a.AN standard hex head or clevis bolts canreplace or substitute screws AN525.b.No AN standard hex head or clevis bolts can bereplaced or substituted by screws.c.Aluminum alloy bolts must not replace orsubstitute steel screws.2-11. BOLTHOLESTANDARDS.a.Before replacing fitting installed with bolts,check holes in fitting and structure for oversize or oval.b.Bolts 0.0625-inches larger in diameter thanoriginal bolts can be used. Only one oversize bolt isallowed for each fitting.c.Edge distance and hole sizes must be as followson Table 2-2.2-12. USEOFNUTS.WASHERS,ORCOTTERPIN .a.Use nut and bolt as follows:(1)Both nut and bolt are same material.(2)When damaged, replace with same size,material, and hardness as original nut or boltb Use aluminum alloy washers under aluminumalloy nuts and bolts.c.Use aluminum alloy washers under steel nut onbolt heads, attaching aluminum parts when not undertension forces, or a controlled torque is not required.d.Use cadmium plated steel washers under steelnuts or bolt heads attaching steel parts.e.Use cadmium plated steel washers under steelnuts or bolt heads, attaching aluminum alloy parts whenbolt is under tension forces, or a controlled torque isrequired.f.Steel spring washers may be used a secondtime if replacements are not available.g.Cotter pin must not be used a second time.SECTION III. MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR PROCEDURES2-13. ADHESIVEBONDING.a.General. Subsequent paragraphs containprocedures for the mixing and application of bondingagents. These procedures should be used only whenreferenced in this manual. For non-critical applicationsthe procedures may be used without specific reference.To obtain optimum benefit from the information andtables, select the proper adhesive as follows:(1)Determine the type of the material to bebonded. Cross reference trade names to the type ofmaterial.(2)Determine the appropriate adhesivesystems by matching materials in Table 2-3. Anadhesive system may include more than one type ofadhesive, since several adhesives may be identical inphysical properties and use.(3)Determine which adhesive system is mostsuitable. Table 2-4 lists the criteria for each system.(4)Select the adhesive. Table 2-5 lists theadhesive system numbers and the correspondingacceptable adhesives. Refer to the task number givenin the column APPLICATION AND CURE for theacceptable method of bonding.b.CriteriaforApplicationof Adhesive Systems.This information is applicable to all adhesives and mustbe strictly adhered to.(1)If the adhesive or individual componentsof adhesive have been stored under refrigeration allowadhesive or components to reach 70° F (21.1 °C), priorto blending or use.2-45
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