TM 1-1520-240-BDTable 2-4. Adhesive System CriteriaADHESIVENO. OFPOT LIFESYSTEMCOMPO-PHYSICALAT 21.1 °CFLASHSHELFSTORAGENO.NENTSPROPERTIES(700F)POINTLIFETEMPERATURE81Cures to a rubbery5 to 1050°F8 monthsBelow 80° Fsolid. Excellent(10°C)for adhesive(26.7°C)peel strength andfor primer12 monthsgood insulatingfor primerproperties.Resistant to waterand ozone. Poorresistance to oiland no resistanceto fuel92A rigid adhesive1 hour150°F2 yearsBelow 80°Fhigh in tensile and(66°C)(26.7°C)shear strength, butlow in peelstrength. Goodresistance to fueland oil but poorresistance to waterand salt spray102A tough flexible30 minutes150°F6 monthsBelow 80°Fadhesive, resistant(66°C)(26.7°C)to water, fuel andoil. Poor resistanceto salt spray112Cures to a tough,1/2 hr for800F6 months400 to 80 FSEE NOTEflexible rubber withB-1/2 1 hr(26.7°C)(4.5° to 26.7°C)good peel strength.for B-1Resistant to fuel,2 hr for B-2water, and salt4 hr for B-4spray8 hr for B-8122A rigid adhesive20 to 30395°F2 yearsBelow 80°Fhigh in shear andminutes(201.8°C)(26.7°C)tensile strength133A rigid adhesive10 minutes-1 yearBelow 75° Fwhich will not(23.9°C)craze acrylicsNOTEThe acceptable adhesives under this system are available in a choice of pot lives. For example,B-1/2 indicates a pot life of 30 minutes, B-1 a pot life of 1 hour, etc.2-49
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