TM 1-1520-240-BDNOTEHigh temperatures and humidityshorten pot life of adhesives, lowtemperatures will lengthen it.(2)No addition or omission of ingredients, ordeviation from mixing or blending procedures ispermitted.(3)Thinning of adhesives is not permittedunless specifically allowed in the procedure.(4)All multiple-part adhesives must beblended by weight, within 2-1/2 percent.(5)All multiple-part adhesives must beblended in dean, metal, glass, polyethylene, or Tefloncontainers only.c.PreparationofBondingSurfaces. Unlessotherwise specified, all bondingsurfaces exceptthermoplastic, phenolic, and melamine, must bethoroughly cleaned using dean cloths moistened withmethyl-ethyl-ketone. Thermoplastic, phenolic, andmelamine must be lightly sanded to remove the glassand then cleaned with aliphatic naphtha.d.ApplicationofAdhesiveSystemNo.1.WARNINGThe adhesives under this system aretoxic and flammable. Work in well-ventilated areas away from flame.(1)(Refer to Table 2-5 for the list ofacceptable adhesives.) Clean the faying surfaces usingmethyl-ethyl-ketone.(2)Thoroughly stir adhesive in its owncontainer using a spatula.NOTEIf adhesive is to be applied byspraying, it may be thinned withmethyl-ethyl-ketone.(3)Brush or spray one coat of the adhesiveon each faying surface.NOTEOn porous surfaces such as textilesand wood, two coats must beapplied. The first coat must seal thesurface and be completely dry beforeapplication of the second coat.(4)Allow adhesive to dry until tacky, then joinsurfaces. Apply sufficient pressure to ensure solidcontact.e.ApplicationofAdhesiveSystemNo.3.WARNINGThe adhesives under this system aretoxic. Work only in well-ventilatedareas.NOTEThe pot life is 40 minutes foradhesive (item 39, Table 2-5) and 45minutes for adhesive (item 40, Table2-5).(1)(Refer to Table 2-5 for list of acceptableadhesives.) Clean faying surfaces using naphtha.(2)Stir individual components in their owncontainer then blend them as follows:(a)If adhesive (item 39, Table 2-5) isbeing used, blend 100 parts, by weight, of part A with 34parts, by weight, of part B.(b)If adhesive (item 40, Table 2-5) isbeing used, blend 100 parts, by weight, of part A with 40parts, by weight, of part B.(3)Apply a coat of primer J (item 116, Table2-5) to all surfaces except brass or neoprene. Useprimer H (item 115, Table 2-5) for brass or neoprenesurfaces. Allow primer to dry for 30 to 40 minutes.NOTEPrimer is not required onpolycarbonate plastic surfaces.(4)Apply the adhesive to both fayingsurfaces using a brush or a spatula.(5)Join coated surfaces and apply lightpressure.(6)Allow adhesive (item 39, Table 2-5) tocure for 3 days at 70°F (21 °C). Adhesive (item 40,Table 2-5) cures in 2 days at same temperature.2-50
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