TM 1-1520-240-BD(2)Brush or spray a thin coat of primer (item111, Table 2-5) on all bonding surfaces, except siliconerubber.(3)Allow primer to dry for 30 minutes.(4)Prepare required amount of adhesive(item 32, Table 2-5) by adding 16 drops of catalyst (item32, Table 2-5) to 1/2 ounce of adhesive. Stir adhesiveconstantly while adding catalyst.NOTEThe pot life of catalyzed adhesive is2 to 4 hours.(5)Brush a uniform coat of catalyzedadhesive on all faying surfaces. Allow adhesive to airdry approximately 30 minutes or until tacky.(6)To ensure solid contact and removal ofentrapped air, join faying surfaces with moderatepressure.(7)Remove pressure and cure adhesivebond for 24 hours at 70°F (21°C). Maximum bondstrength is achieved in 4 to 7 days.j.ApplicationofAdhesiveSystemNo.8.WARNINGThe adhesives under this system aretoxic and flammable. Work only inwell-ventilated areas away fromflame.(1)(Refer to Table 2-5 for list of acceptableadhesives.) Clean all faying surfaces using methyl-ethyl-ketone.(2)Brush or spray a liberal coat of primer(item 118, Table 2-5) on all bonding surfaces exceptsilicone rubber.(3)Allow primer to dry for at least 30minutes.(4)Apply a uniform layer of adhesive to bothsurfaces; immediately join surfaces.(5)Apply sufficient pressure to ensure solidcontact but not enough to cause excessive squeeze out.NOTEA bond line thickness of at least0.015 inch will give best results.(6)Allow adhesive to cure under contactpressure for 24 hours at 60 to 70° F (21 ° to 27 C).Maximum strength is achieved after approximately 3days.k.ApplicationofAdhesiveSystemNo.9(Option1).WARNINGThe adhesives under this systemmay produce skin irritation. Avoidbodily contact with the adhesives.NOTEThe acceptable adhesives given inTable 2-5 for this adhesive systemreplace adhesives Epon VI and EponVIII (items 28 and 29, Appendix C).Existing stocks of these replacedadhesives may be used untildepleted.(1)(Refer to Table 2-5 for list of acceptableadhesives.) Clean faying surfaces using methyl-ethyl-ketone.(2)Thoroughly blend 100 parts, by weight, ofbase with 16.5 parts, by weight, of catalyst.(3)Apply thin coat of adhesive to both fayingsurfaces, using a spatula.(4)Join parts, applying sufficient pressure toensure solid contact.NOTEA continuous bead of adhesivesqueeze out indicates solid contact(5) Remove excess adhesive usingmethyl-ethyl-ketone.(6)Allow adhesive to cure for 12 hours at70°F (21 °C), for 2 hours at 125°F (52°C), or 1 hour at200°F (930C).2-54
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