TM 1-1520-240-BDl.ApplicationofAdhesiveSystemNo.9(Option2).WARNINGThe adhesives under this systemmay produce skin irritation. Avoidbodily contact with the adhesives.(1)(Refer to Table 2-5 for list of acceptableadhesives.) Clean faying surfaces using methyl-ethyl-ketone.(2)Thoroughly blend 100 parts, by weight, ofbase with 10.9 parts by weight, of catalyst NOTEThorough blending is extremely important. A 50-grambatch of adhesive will usually require at least 6 minutesof constant, vigorous stirring.(3)Apply a thin coat of blended adhesive toboth faying surfaces.(4)Join parts, applying sufficient pressure toensure solid contact.NOTEA continuous bead of adhesivesqueeze out indicates solid contact.(5)Remove excess adhesive using methyl-ethyl-ketone.(6)Cure adhesive for 30 minutes at 240°F(116oC), then increase temperature to 350°F (117oC)and allow adhesive to cure for 1-1/2 hours.m.ApplicationofAdhesiveSystemNo.10.WARNINGThe adhesives under this system aretoxic. Work only in well-ventilatedareas.(1)(Refer to Table 2-5 for list of acceptableadhesives.) Clean all faying surfaces using methyl-ethyl-ketone.(2)Thoroughly mix each component in itsown container.(3)Thoroughly blend 30 parts, by weight, ofaccelerator with 100 parts, by weight, of base.(4)Apply a uniform coat of blended adhesiveto both faying surfaces.(5)Join parts, applying sufficient pressure toensure solid contact.(6)Remove adhesive squeeze out usingmethyl-ethyl-ketone.(7)Allow the adhesive to cure for 12 hours at70°F (21 °C). Full cure is attained after 48 hours.n.ApplicationofAdhesiveSystemNo.11.WARNINGThe adhesives under this system aretoxic and flammable. Work only inwell-ventilated areas away fromflame.(1)(Refer to Table 2-5 for list of acceptableadhesives.) Clean all faying surfaces, using methyl-ethyl-ketone.(2)Thoroughly blend base with activator inaccordance with instructions on container.(3)Apply a thin uniform coat of adhesive toboth faying surfaces.(4)Assemble parts immediately, applysufficient pressure to ensure solid contact.(5)Allow adhesive to cure at 70oF (21°C) forone of the following periods of time, depending uponclass of adhesive used;(a)Class B-1/2 - 16 hours(b)Class B-1 - 36 hours(c)Class B-2 - 48 hours(d)Class B-4 - 60 hoursNOTEThe above cure times are forhandling only. Full cure is notachieved for 7 days or more.2-55
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