TM 1-1520-240-BDb.RemovalofAntichafingTape. Rejected orimproperly applied tape should be removed as follows:WARNINGMethyl-ethyl-ketone is toxic. Work ina well ventilated area. Avoid inhalingfumes and prolonged contact withthe skin. Wash thoroughly afterusing. Wear protective clothing.(1)Saturate tape with methyl-ethyl-ketone.Allow a few minutes for tape to soak. Then, carefullypeel tape from surface.(2)Apply new tape. Refer to paragraph 2-14a.c.ApplicationofVelcroTape. This procedure isused for the application of precoated adhesive-backedor uncoated Velcro hook and pile tape. This fastener isused for attachment and repair of sound-proofingblankets and coverings.(1)Clean surface to which tape is to beapplied. Use cloths soaked with solvent (item 144,Appendix C). Wipe surface with dry cloths beforesolvent evaporates.(2)Apply masking tape (item 145, AppendixC) around surface to be covered.NOTEFor best results surface should bebare of prime-coat.(3)Brush a coat of adhesive (item 41,Appendix C) on masked surface and tape.NOTEThe shelf life of adhesive and tape is6 months when stored at 60o to 80° F(16° to 27oC).(4)Press tape in place within 5 minutes ofadhesive application, but not sooner than 1 minute.(5)If tape is too long, insert a piece of woodbetween tape and coated surface. Trim tape with asharp knife.NOTETape must be applied to fabrics bystitching with nylon thread inaccordance with Fed. Std. 751.(6)Check for acceptable bonding by gentlypulling edges of tape with fingernail.NOTESmall voids around rivet and screwheads are permissible.2-15. APPLICATIONOFFILLERS .Refer to TM 55-1520-240-23.2-16. TYPICALREPAIRS. Subsequent text containsprocedures for, and referenced illustrations showexamples of oilcan repair, material substitution, repairsfor skin and web, formed parts, extruded parts,attachment holes, eliminating gaps and levelinginstallations, spotwelded parts, canvas and webbing,aluminum tubing, rubber seals, hinges, and restoringtransparent plastics. In most cases, these proceduresand examples are referenced from specific repairparagraphs and figures throughout the manual. Theyare to be used as a guide when making repairs. If theprocedures and examples are not referenced, they canbe used within limitations noted.a.OilcanRepair. Loose skins, skins havingunacceptable oilcans, and trapped skin should berepaired as directed in subsequent paragraphs. Repairto the body skin below waterline 0 must be sealedwatertight.(1)Trapped skin, evidenced by an outward orinward bulge between attaching hardware and causedby improper repair techniques is not acceptable.Correct this condition by removing attaching hardwareas required allowing skin to shift, and installing nextlarger size fasteners.(2)Loose skins and skins havingunacceptable oilcan should be repaired using stiffenerswith the following exceptions:(a)Stiffeners are not permitted withinarea on bottom of cabin fuselage section between lowerlonger-ons and sta 160 and 482.(b)Stiffeners are not permittedexternally on the helicopter.2-58
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