TM 1-1520-240-BD(10)Join coated surfaces immediately. Holdthem together gently for 15 to 30 seconds beforeapplying pressure.(11)Apply equally distributed pressure withclamps.(12)Scrape excess cement onto masked area.(13)Allow assembly to set for 2 hours.(14)Remove clamps. Allow assembly to curefor 2 hours at a minimum of 70°F (21°C).(15)For final cure, allow assembly to set for 4hours at 148oF (64oC).2-14. APPLICATION OF TAPES . Subsequentparagraphs contain information on the various tapesused on the structure and component parts.a.ApplicationofAntichafingTape.This tape isused if a smooth, nonabrasive surface is desired overrivet heads and seams.CAUTIONExposure of antichafing tape tosunlight for 4 hours will destroy itsadhesive qualifies. Storage ofunused tape should be in a cool darkarea.(1)Remove all burrs, rough and sharp edges,and loose primer in area to be taped.(2)Using an air blast, brush or dry cloth,remove loose metal clips, dust, and primer scale.(3)Using a cloth moistened with naphtha,wipe all surfaces to be taped.NOTESolvent may be substituted fornaphtha. The solvent must be wipeddry and not allowed to evaporate onsurfaces.(4)Repeat step c. at least two times or untilthe surfaces are clean.(5)Cut a length of tape as follows:(a)if protrusions are less than 1/4-inchhigh, the tape should be cut to extend 1 to 2 inches eachside of protrusion.(b)If protrusions are higher than 1/4-inch, the tape should be cut to extend 1-1/2 to 2 incheseach side of protrusion.NOTELengths of tape should be cut toallow protective paper line to extendbeyond cut edge.This will make it easier to removetape. Continuous lengths of tapeshould be used whenever possible.(6)Remove liner from tape. The activatormay have a harmful effect on some materials.Therefore, precautionary measures should be taken toprevent activator or items dampened with activator fromcontacting other materials.(7)Pour a sufficient amount of activator (item16, Appendix C) into a pan.(8)Use a wooden applicator to applyactivator with a wiping motion. Apply activator toadhesive side of tape.(9)Apply activated tape to cleaned surfacesby starting tape at one end and pressing it down firmly.Smooth tape down with a wooden scraper and work tapefrom center to edge with sufficient pressure to eliminateair pockets and wrinkles and to ensure good adhesion.NOTEAll edges must be firmly bonded tosurface. Small blisters and voidsmust be kept to a minimum. Voidsaround rivet and screw heads arepermissible.2-57
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