TM 1-1520-240-BD(c)Stiffeners are not permitted in areaswhere they will interfere with installation and function oroperation of any component.(3)Determine locations where a minimumnumber of stiffeners will correct oilcanning or loose skin.(4)Add stiffeners as required. Stiffenersmust be attached at each end to primary structure, suchas longeron to longeron or frame to frame. The methodof attachment should eliminate discrepancy withouttransferring it to another area. Comply with followingmethods:(a)Stiffeners must be next heavierthickness than skin to which they are attached and areto be formed from 2024-T3 cad aluminum alloy.Stiffeners exceeding 30 inches in length must be madefrom Alcoa 33372 or equivalent extrusions.(b)If attaching clips are used, makefrom 2024-T2 dad aluminum alloy. They must be samethickness as stiffener to which they are attached.(c)Install rivets MS20470AD4 atapproximately 3/4-inch pitch for attachment of stiffeners,not thicker than 0.040 inch.(d)Install rivets MS20470AD5 atapproximately 7/8-inch pitch for attachment of stiffenersthicker than 0.040 inch.(e)Seal and refinish stiffeners and clipsto match adjacent structure.CAUTIONSubstitution of materials can create acorrosion hazard. If the substitutematerial is different than original part(as when a 7075-T6 aluminumextrusion is reinforced with a 4130steel strap), failure to insulate metalsfrom direct contact with each otherwill permit electrolytic corrosion toattack repaired area. Insulation ofdissimilar metals, is extremelyimportant.b.MaterialSubstitution. If repair cannot be madefrom the same material as original part, select asubstitute material. Refer to Table 2-6 for a list ofsubstitute materials and an example of how to use thistable. When material for a non-load-bearing part, suchas a filler, is not available in thickness required, build upto desired thickness with two or more pieces.Substitutions of this type are not permitted-forloadbearing parts, such as reinforcements andinsertions.2-17. SKINANDWEBREPAIRS. (See Figure 2-34.)Subsequent paragraphs contain procedures andlimitations for coin patch repair for skins, backing platerepair for webs. (See TM 1-1500-204-23 for rivet typeand spacing.) Maintain a minimum clearance of 5/8inch between cutouts and edge of replacements, unlessotherwise noted. Insulate dissimilar metals.a.CoinPatchRepairforSkins. This repair is fordents, punctures, tears, and small cracks that can be cutout from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2-inch diameter. No more thantwo patches are permitted for each skin panel. Panels,not less than 15 by 50 inches, between longer longeronsand sta 160 and 482, may contain a maximum of fourpatches. All patches must clear adjacent structuralmembers by 1/8 inch and be sealed.(1)Cut out damage and make a coin patch ofsame material and thickness as skin. The patch shouldhave a diameter 5/16 inch less than cutout.(2)Make a circular backing plate three timesdiameter of coin patch and from same material but innext heavier thickness.(3)Smooth edges of cutout, coin patch, andbacking plate with a file.(4)Center coin patch on backing plate anddrill rivet holes through coin patch and backing plate.NOTEThe size and number of rivet holesare determined by size of rivet to beused. In most cases rivetsMS20470AD3 can by used.(5)Install and set rivets.(6)Spray or brush a thin coat of primer (item113, Appendix C) on all surfaces of coin patch. Allowprimer to dry.2-59
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