TM 1-1520-240-BDTable 2-5. Acceptable Adhesives - ContinuedMANUFACTURER’SITEM NO.ADHESIVEDESIGNATIONSYSTEM NO.24190-H-1 Resin191-C-21 Catalyst25190-H-1 Resin190-B-10 Catalyst1034Pro-Seal 5011126EC-123933Pro-Seal 71936PR90211217Epon 82881Curing Agent DTA1353PS-18 Cement48PS-18 Catalyst121PS-18 Promoterf.ApplicationofAdhesiveSystemNo.4.WARNINGThe adhesives under this system aretoxic and flammable. Work only inwell-ventilated areas away fromflame.(1)Refer to Table 2-5 for list of acceptableadhesives. Clean all faying surfaces with methyl-ethyl-ketone.(2)Brush one uniform coat of primer (item35, Table 2-5) on all faying surfaces, except rubbersurfaces. Allow the primer to dry for 30 to 60 minutes.(3)Thoroughly blend 20 parts, by weight, ofthe adhesive base with 1 part, by weight, of accelerator.NOTEThe pot life of blended adhesive is 24hours.(4)Bond rubber to surfaces other than rubberas follows:(a)Brush one uniform coat of blendedadhesive on rubber surface. Allow it to dry for 30 to 60minutes.NOTEBoth adhesives may be cured in3 hours by maintaining a temperatureof 150 F (66°C).For best results the adhesiveshould be 0.002 to 0.003 inch thick.(b)Brush a second coat on one of thesurfaces and allow it to dry until tacky.(c)Join coated surfaces with sufficientpressure to ensure solid contact.(d)Allow adhesive to cure underpressure for 16 hours at 700F (21.1 °C) before handling.NOTEComplete cure is achieved after 7days at 70°F (21.1°C, or in 16 hoursat 70°F (21.1 °C), followed by 1hourat2000F (930C).(5)Bond rubber to rubber as follows: Brushone uniform coat of the blended adhesive, on bothfaying surfaces and allow it to dry for 30 to 60 minutes.2-52
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