TM 1-1520-240-BDTable 2-4. Adhesive System CriteriaADHESIVENO. OFPOT LIFESYSTEMCOMPO-PHYSICALAT 21.1 °CFLASHSHELFSTORAGENO.NENTSPROPERTIES(700F)POINTLIFETEMPERATURE11A tough, flexibleN/A30° F9 monthsBelow 80° Fcontact adhesive(-1.2°C)(26.7°C)with good peelstrength. Goodresistance to fuel,oil, and water21A flexible waterN/A54°F9 months40° to 80°Fresistant contact(12.2oC)(4.5° to 26.7°C)cement. Poorresistance to fueland oil32Cures to a tough40 to 60-12 months40° to 80°Fflexible rubber;minutes(4.5° to 26.7°C)resistant to oil42Cures to a tough24 hours50°F12 monthsBelow 80°Fflexible rubber;(10°C)for adhesive(26.7°C)resistant to fuelfor90 days forand oilprimerprimer54A rigid epoxy2 hoursPart AB:2 yearsBelow 80° Fadhesive, high in395°F(26.7°C)tensile and shear(201.8°C)strength. ResistantPart CD:to fuel and oil; fair468°Fresistance to water(242° C)61Cures to a flexible30 minutes50° F8 months forBelow 70°Frubber; resistant to(10° C)adhesive(21.1 °C)fuel and oilfor primer12 monthsfor primer72A water resistant2 to 4 hours60° to6 months forBelow 75°Fcontact adhesive.90°Fadhesive(23.9°C)Cures to a resilient(15.6° toand catalystfilm with very low32.2°C)12 monthsbond strength.for primerPoor resistance tofuel and oil2-48
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