TM 1-1520-240-BDg.ApplicationofAdhesiveSystemNo.5.WARNINGThe adhesives under this system aretoxic and may produce skin irritation.Work only in well-ventilated areasand avoid bodily contact with theadhesives.(1)(Refer to Table 2-5 for list of acceptableadhesives). Clean faying surfaces, using methyl-ethyl-ketone.(2)If adhesive (item 27, Table 2-5) is used,blend 100 parts, by weight, of part B with 140 parts, byweight, of part A.(3)If adhesive (item 118, Table 2-5) is used,thoroughly blend equal parts of components A and B toform component AB. Thoroughly blend equal parts ofcomponents C and D to form component CD.Thoroughly blend equal parts of the combinedcomponents AB and CD.(4)If adhesives (items 16, 18, 21, 19, 20, or17, Table 2-5) are used, thoroughly blend equal parts ofcomponents AB and CD.(5)Apply a thin uniform coat of blendedadhesive to faying surfaces.(6)Assemble parts and apply sufficientpressure to ensure solid contact.(7)Remove excess adhesive, using methyl-ethyl-ketone.(8)Allow adhesive to cure in accordance withone of the following cure cycles.(a)30 to 60 minutes 200°F (930C).(b)2 hours at 170°F (77°C).(c)8 hours at 120°F (490C).(d)11 hours at 104°F (40°C).(e)24 hours at 70 0F (21° C).h.ApplicationofAdhesiveSystemNo.6.WARNINGThe adhesives under this system aretoxic and flammable. Work only inwell-ventilated areas away fromflame.(1)(Refer to Table 2-5 for list of acceptableadhesives.) Clean faying surfaces using methyl-ethyl-ketone.(2)Brush two coats of primer (item 118,Table 2-5) on all surfaces, other than rubber. Allow 45minutes drying time after each coat.(3)Brush a uniform coat of adhesive (item37, Table 2-5) on both faying surfaces, and immediatelyjoin coated surfaces.NOTEExposure to air for more than a fewminutes will cause adhesive surfaceto dry, resulting in a poor bond.(4)Apply sufficient pressure to ensure solidcontact but not enough to cause excessive adhesivesqueeze out.NOTEA bond line thickness of 0.015 inchwill give best results.(5)Allow adhesive to cure for a minimum of24 hours 70° to 800F (21.1 ° to 26.7°C).NOTEComplete bond strength is achievedafter approximately 3 days.i.ApplicationofAdhesiveSystemNo.7.WARNINGAll procedures should be performedin a well ventilated area and awayfrom open flame as the adhesivescontain toxic and flammablematerials. Hydrogen is generated bycatalyzed adhesive during cure.Therefore, all containers of materialshould be vented to avoid pressurebuildup.(1)(Refer to Table 2-5 for list of acceptableadhesives.) Clean all faying surfaces using methyl-ethyl-ketone.2-53
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