TM 1-1520-240-MTF4-46V. CARGO RAMP AND DOOR CHECK.1-45.Reference:TM 55-1520-240-T.1. Cargo ramp and door — Check fully closed.2. Electrical and hydraulic power — Off.3. APU START ACCUMULATOR gauge — Check2,500 psi minimum. If not, use the hand pump tocharge accumulator.4. EMERG UTIL PRESS valve — OPEN.5. RAMP CONTROL VALVE handle — DN andhold until ramp is level with cabin floor, STOP.Check for the following sequence of actions:a. Ramp and cargo door open and movedownward about 10 inches, then stop.b. Cargo door then retracts into ramp.c. Ramp then continues to move downward,then stops when the RAMP CONTROLVALVE handle is moved to STOP.6. EMERG UTIL PRESS valve — NORMAL.7. Apply electrical and hydraulic power.8. UTIL SYS CONT circuit breaker — Checkclosed.9. RAMP EMER CONT circuit breaker — Checkclosed.10. RAMP PWR switch on overhead panel — ON.11. RAMP CONTROL SEQUENCE VALVE — Turnpin to horizontal position.12. RAMP CONTROL VALVE handle — DN. Checkthat ramp moves to full down position (resting onground), and cargo door remains retracted.
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