TM 1-1520-240-MTF4-45screw changes N1 approximately 1% PTITapproximately 25_C and torque 5 - 6%. If therecorded N1 is acceptable, but the recordedPTIT is lower than it should be according to11a, a resistance check of the PTIT harnessshould be performed. If the PTIT indicatingsystem is OK the engine is acceptable.U. DIFFERENTIAL CURRENT PROTECTION CIRCUITCHECK1-44.Reference:TM 55-1520-240-23Perform this check whenever maintenance has beenperformed on a generator, or a generator control unit, acurrent transformer or the wiring between these units.Perform the check as follows:1. Set the following switches to the specifiedpositions:a. HEATER — VENT BLOWER ONLY.b. CPLT, CTR, and PLT WINDSHIELDANTI-ICE — ON.c. CPLT and PLT SLT-FIL — ON.d. FUEL PUMPS — ALL ON.2. GEN 1 switch — OFF. Check NO. 1 GEN OFFcaution light is on and NO. 2 GEN OFF cautionlight is out.3. GEN 1 switch — ON. GEN 2 switch — OFF.Check NO. 1 GEN OFF caution light is out andNO. 2 GEN OFF caution light is on.4. GEN 2 switch — ON. Check both GEN OFFcaution lights are out.5. HEATER, WINDSHIELD ANTI-ICE, SLT-FIL,and FUEL PUMPS switch — Set as desired.
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