TM 1-1520-240-MTF4-40NOTEBelow 5 degrees C FAT it may be impossible toconduct a TEAC without exceeding 10,000 feetpressure altitude. During cold weather periods,precise trimming of the fuel control is less criticalsince considerable reserve power exsists due tolow ambient temperature. When the above condi-tions occur, enter a red dash in the aircraft formsand accomplish the TEAC as soon as conditionspermit.4. Using NO. 1 & 2 ENGINE BEEP TRIM, set rotorRPM to 100 percent.CAUTIONIf during the check it becomes necessary to re-duce engine power, initially reduce power byoperating the No. 1 & 2 ENGINE BEEP TRIMswitch until rotor speed begins to decrease.Then lower thrust. Do not lower thrust until ro-tor rpm begins to decrease or an engine over-speed may occur. Also, to prevent tripping theindicator and starting the timer, do not allowthe EMERG PWR light to remain on longerthan 5 seconds.5. Set ENGINE CONDITION LEVER of the enginenot being checked to GROUND. Maintain 100percent rotor rpm using NO. 1 & NO. 2 ENGINEBEEP TRIM switch.CAUTIONWhile performing this check, do not exceedthe following limits:1. PTIT890_Ca. N1105%b. Airspeed140 KIASc. Torque123%
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