TM 1-1520-240-MTF4-35(b)DEFOG or DEFROST handle —PUSH.(c)CABIN AIR handle — PULL.(d)Cabin adjustable outlets — FullOpen.(e)CABIN TEMP SEL switch — Fullclockwise.7. HEATER function switch — OFF. Check thatblower continues to run until combustionchamber cools.8. Right main fuel pump switches — OFF.P. Cargo Hook Operational Check.1-41.WARNINGWhen stowing or positioning the cargo hook,do not grasp the hook assembly by the syn-chronizing assembly shaft. Serious injurycan result if the hook is operated while thehand is in this position. The nylon web strapis to be used when positioning or stowing thehook.1. CARGO HOOK MSTR switch — ARM.2. CARGO HOOK SEL switch — FWD.3. Press the CARGO HOOK Release switch on thepilot’s cyclic stick — Check that the FWD HOOKOPEN caution capsule comes on and the hookopens.
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