TM 1-1520-240-MTF4-3714. Press the CARGO HOOK Release switch on thecopilot’s stick. Check that all HOOK OPENcaution capsules lights come on and the hooksopen or solenoids activate.15. CARGO HOOK MSTR switch — RESET andrelease to OFF. Check all HOOK OPEN cautioncapsules go out and the hooks close.16. To confirm safety of the cargo hook system, thepilot, copilot, and flight engineer each press aCARGO HOOK Release switch to attempt toopen cargo hooks with the CARGO HOOKMSTR switch at OFF.Q. TRACKING AND BALANCING PROCEDURESReference:TM 55-6625-724-13 & PR. ENGINE VIBRATION CHECKReference:TM 55-6625-724-13 & PS. 712 ACCELERATION CHECKReference:TM 55-1520-240-231-42.1. With both Engine Condition Levers (ECL) inflight and thrust control in ground detent position,take both engines to minimum beep using theNo. 1 and No. 2 engine beep trim switch.WARNINGDo not exceed any operation limits during thefollowing steps.2. Check the acceleration of the No. 1 engine asfollows:a. Place the No. 2 engine auto/manual switchto the manual position.
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