TM 1-1520-240-MTF4-32NOTE1. NO. 1 & NO. 2 ENGINE BEEP TRIM —DECREASE for 8 seconds.2. Note engine N1 readings.3. Use the appropriate beep system (Normal orEmergency on either engine) to indicate anengine N1 less than the minimum specified forthe applicable ambient temperature as indicatedon figure 5-6 on the engine to be checked.This procedure requires two-way communicationbetween the pilot and the mechanic. The pilot willrun the engine and note the N1 readings. The me-chanic will notify the pilot when the bleed bandcloses and adjust, if necessary.NOTEBleed band must be open under this operatingcondition.CAUTIONDo not allow engine speed to go below mini-mum N1 speed during this check.4. Slowly increase appropriate beep trim whilemaintaining rotor rpm within limits and determineN1 when bleed band has just closed.NOTEClosure may be determined by inserting a 0.010inch feeler gage under the bleed band.5. The N1 at the bleed band closure point must bewithin the limits specified on the chart on figure5-6.
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