TM 1-1520-240-MTF4-36NOTEThe forward and aft cargo hooks will not open un-less a force is applied. As long as one the CARGOHOOK Release switches are pressed, the forwardand aft hooks will make a chattering sound. Thissound indicates the hook solenoids are operatingnormally.4. CARGO HOOK SEL switch — MID.5. Press the CARGO HOOK Release switch on thecopilot’s cyclic stick. Check that the MID HOOKOPEN caution capsule comes on and the hookopens.6. CARGO HOOK SEL switch — AFT.7. CARGO HOOK switch on HOIST OPERATORSPANEL — ARM.8. Press the CARGO HOOK Release switch on theWINCH/HOIST CONTROL GRIP — Check thatthe AFT HOOK OPEN caution capsule comeson and the hook solenoid activates. RESET andrelease to OFF.9. CARGO HOOK MSTR switch — RESET andrelease to OFF. Check all HOOK OPEN cautioncapsules lights go out and the hooks ar close.Then set to ARM.10. CARGO HOOK SEL switch — TANDEM.11. Press the CARGO HOOK Release switch on thepilot’s cyclic stick. Check that the FWD and AFTHOOK OPEN caution capsules come on and theforward and aft solenoids activate.12. CARGO HOOK MSTR switch — RESET andrelease to OFF. Check both HOOK OPENcaution capsules go out and the hooks close.Then set to ARM.13. CARGO HOOK SEL switch — ALL.
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