TM 1-1520-240-MTF4-393. To check acceleration of the No. 2 engine, repeatthe steps of paragraph 2 using the No. 1auto/manual switch and the No. 2 ECL.4. Upon completion of the acceleration checkreturn both ECLs to flight and RRPM to 100%.5. If the average time from ECL advance to 90percent N1 exceed the values given above, thefuel selector switch must be set to JP-4 or theacceleration schedule adjusted to decreaseacceleration time to within limits.T.712 TURBINE ENGINE ANALYSIS CHECK (TEAC)Reference:TM 55-1520-240-23NOTEInsure that engine indicating systems are operat-ing properly before performing TEAC.1-43.1. Make sure the engine trim stops are installed onthe N1 controls.2. Set the copilot’s altimeter at 29.92 barometricpressure to determine pressure altitude.CAUTIONTo prevent tripping the indicator and startingthe timer, do not allow the EMERG PWR lightto remain on longer than 3 seconds.3. Climb to an altitude where topping can beaccomplished at 120 KIAS to 140 KIAS (not toexceed Vne) at 98 percent rotor rpm.
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