TM 1-1520-240-MTF4-44c. Enter figure 5-10 at the recorded FAT,proceed vertically to the pressure altitude,then horizontally to the torque availablescale.12. The engine trim is acceptable if the followingconditions are met:a. Recorded N1 is between the values fromstep 11a which define acceptabilityandRecorded PTIT is between the values from step 11bwhich define acceptabilityandRecorded torque exceeds the value from step 11c.orb. For engines that fall above the band 1 line infigure 5-9 the TEAC is acceptable if thefollowing conditions are met: RecordedPTIT is within band 1 figure 5-9.andRecorded torque exceeds the value from step 11candRecorded N1 is within 5%, but does not exceed the MaxN1 line of figure 5-8.13. If the criteria of step 12 are not met, troubleshootthe engine indicating systems prior to trimmingthe engine to comply. Do not trim the engine toexceed PTIT limits. To increase N1 or PTIT, turnthe N1 trim adjustment clockwise. To decreaseN1 or PTIT, turn N1 trim adjustmentcounterclockwise. Trim sensitivity is , 1/4 turn of
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