TM 1-1520-240-MTF4-416. Begin increasing thrust and increasing NO. 1 &NO. 2 ENGINE BEEP TRIM switch until gasproducer (N1) speed for engine being TEACedstabilizes at maximum and rotor rpm droops to98 percent. Reduce thrust slightly to allowRRPM to return to 100%. Note N1 then increasethrust to droop RRPM to 98% without exceedinglimits. Verify N1 has not increased from thatnoted.7. Stabilize the rotor speed at 98 percent, thenrecord the following:a. FAT.b. PA.c. RRPM 98%.d. Engine PTIT.e. N1.f. TRQ .g. FF.CAUTIONDo not move the ENGINE CONDITION lever ofthe other engine from GROUND to FLIGHT un-til N1 speed and torque of the engine beingTEACed has been reduced.8. After completion of the check, reduce enginepower initially by operating the No. 1 & 2ENGINE BEEP TRIM switch to decrease rotorrpm, N1, and torque. Do not lower thrust unitrotor rpm and N1 begins to decrease.9. Move the ENGINE CONDITION LEVER of thenext engine to be TEACed from GROUND toFLIGHT.
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