TM 1-1520-240-MTF4-38b. Using the No. 1 & 2 engine beep trim switch,set the RRPM to 100%.c. Increase the thrust control to set the No. 1engine N1 speed to 92%.d. Using the No. 1 ECL, retard the N1 speed to70% while maintaining a constant thrustposition.e. Rapidly advance the No. 1 ECL to flightwhile timing the N1 speed acceleration to90%.f. Repeat the above two steps andnumerically average the two times. Theaverage time from ECL advance to 90percent N1 shall not exceed the valuesgiven below.OAT(Deg. Celsius)Max Time From70% N1 to 90% N1 (seconds)–402.4–302.6–202.8–103.003.2103.4203.8304.3404.7g. Place thrust control in ground detentposition and decrease the No. 1 and No. 2engine beep trim switch for 8 seconds.h. Place the No. 2 auto/manual switch to theauto position.
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