TM 1-1520-240-MTF4-29Example:A Maximum Continuous Power Check / Maximum PowerCheck were performed under Ambient Conditions ofAltitude — 4,000 feet; Temperature = +10_C.NOTEEngine No. 2 defines an engine failing the Maxi-mum Continuous Power Check.FAT = +10_CPA = 4,000 feetNR = 100%#1 engine#2 engineMinimum Torquerequired97%111 %Maximum N1 speedallowed104%109.2%Maximum PTITallowed806%899_C (Max-imum Power Check)RecordedENGINE#1ENGINE #2PTIT (_C)775872 (MAX Pow-er Check required)N1 (%)102107TORQUE (%)97111FF (LBS/Hr)19402020The above example illustrates the minimum acceptabletorque for the MCPC is 97% and the minimum accept-able torque for MPC is 111%. The recorded datumshows both Engine #1 and Engine #2 were at the mini-mum torque required.
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