TM 1-1520-240-MTF4-27L. 714A POWER ASSURANCE TEST (PAT) BASE-LINE AND TRIGGER VALUE.NOTERecalculating the trigger value is not required un-less the PAC was performed for an engine majorrepair or change or replacement of the HMA orDECU. The PAT Baseline shall be used in con-junction with the Power Accurance Check, Maxi-mum Continuous Power or Maximum Power(MCP or MP) to determine the PAT pass/fail triggervalue. Perform the PAT Baseline check as soon aspossible after the PAC.NOTEThe Power Assurance Test (PAT) Baseline andTrigger Value check may be performed on theground, at a hover, or in flight.CAUTIONPerformance of the in-flight Power AssuranceTest (PAT) Baseline and Trigger Value check isrestricted to temperatures of -40_C to + 54_C,Pressure Altitude of Sea Level to 14,000 feet,airspeed of 80 KIAS to 100 KIAS and torque be-tween 60% and 70%. The in-flight check maybe performed only in extreme environmentalconditions, such as sand, dust or snow.1-37.1. Power Assurance Test (PAT) Baseline andTrigger Value.a. On the ground with aircraft facing into thewind, at a hover, or in flight, verify the NR at100%.b. Adjust ECL as required to attain 60-70%torque on engine being checked.
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