TM 1-1520-240-MTF4-23CAUTIONAfter starting the first engine, the second en-gine must be started or motored for 10 sec-onds within 3 minutes. When operating for ex-tended periods with only one engine operat-ing, the second engine must be motored for 10seconds every 30 minutes. The N2 section ofthe second engine starts turning when thefirst engine is started; however, the lubrica-tion system of the second engine is driven byN1 section: which does not begin to turn untilthe START sequence is initiated. Delay instarting the second engine will result in exces-sive wear on the N2 bearing package andseals.4. Second engine — Start by using the samemethod as the first.K. 714A POWER ASSURANCE CHECK (PAC).CAUTIONThe following limits must not be exceededduring the Power Assurance Check:a. PTIT — 899_b. N1 — 110%c. Airspeed — 140 KIASd. Torque — 123%NOTEPerform this check if the engine has had a majorrepair or been replaced, the HMA or DECU hasbeen replaced, there is a question as to whetheror not the engine is producing at least the minimumtorque, or the aircraft has undergone a phase in-spection.
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