TM 1-1520-240-MTF4-20g. Check and record engine time and N1speed to ground idle (50 to 59% within 45sec). If abnormal see figure 5-15. N1 speedand T1 temperature on the Chart reflectDECU values and not those indicated in thecockpit. The SPORTS computer must beinstalled and referenced to use chart.CAUTIONAfter starting the first engine, the second en-gine must be started or motored for 10 sec-onds within 3 minutes. When operating for ex-tended periods with only one engine operat-ing, the second engine must be motored for 10seconds every 30 minutes. The N2 section ofthe second engine starts turning when thefirst engine is started; however, the lubrica-tion system of the second engine is driven byN1 section: which does not begin to turn untilthe START sequence is initiated. Delay instarting the second engine will result in exces-sive wear on the N2 bearing package andseals.2. Second engine — Start by using the samemethod as the first.
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