TM 1-1520-240-MTF4-17NOTEEither engine may be started first.NOTEIf engine does not reach 15% but exceeds 10% N1(minimum) and has reached its maximum speed,initiate start, but monitor engine and PTIT for apossible hung start and/or excessive PTIT.1-32.1. First engine — Start as follows:a. L FUEL PUMP MAIN switches — ON.Check L FUEL PRESS caution capsule out.b. XFEED switch — OPEN. Check R FUELPRESS caution capsule out.c. ENG COND lever — STOP.d. ENG START switch — MTR.NOTEAvoid motoring in excess of 15 seconds beforemoving the ENG COND lever to GND. Theseexcess periods can have a detrimental effect onstarter reliability.e. Motor engine to a minimum of 15% N1. SetENG COND lever — GND; ENG STARTswitch to START immediately. CheckSTARTER ON light on.f. Release START switch to MTR prior to PTITreaching 200_C. When N1 is 50%, setSTART switch to OFF. Check STARTERON light out.CAUTIONIf no oil pressure is indicated during the start-ing sequence, shut down engine and investi-gate.
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