TM 1-1520-240-MTF
f. Shut down ac and hydraulic power. Pick up
tools and clean area. Close tunnel covers.
2. Looseness Check Tolerances. The following
tolerances apply to looseness check.
a. Bearings with radial looseness in excess of
0.007 inch must be replaced.
b. If each bearing in a series of bearings, has
less than 0.007 inch radial looseness, but
overall system looseness is in excess of
3/8-inch, all or a portion of these bearings
must be replaced to reduce looseness to
within the 3/8-inch overall looseness
3. Check for control system looseness at forward
upper control as follows:
a. Apply a manual force of about 10 pounds up
and down to connecting link attaching points
of right and left bell cranks. (Refer to TM
55-1520-240-23, Ch. 11.)
b. Measure distance that either bellcrank end
moves. If a bellcrank moves more than 3/8
inch, there is excess looseness in this
portion of the control system.
c. Isolate the cause of excess looseness.
(Refer to TM 55-1520-240-23, Ch. 11.)
4. Check for control system looseness at the aft
upper control as follows:
a. Apply force of about 10 pounds up and down
to link attaching points of right and left pylon
55-1520-240-23, Ch. 11.)