TM 1-1520-240-MTF4-21I.714A P3 BELLOWS CHECKNOTEPerform this check anytime maintenance is per-formed on the engine P3 air line system, BleedBand actuator, or P3 drain valve, if the engine hahad a major repair or been replaced, the HMA orDECU has been removed and reinstalled or re-placed, the engines have been washed, or the air-craft has undergone a phase inspection. Duringthe P3 Bellows Check, the engine N1 may de-crease or increase when REV is selected. The en-gine should not increase or decrease erraticallyand should stabilize with no erratic fluctuationnoted.3. First engine.a. Engine # 1 FADEC PRI-REV switch (startedengine) — REV.b. FADEC Caution — ON.c. N1 — Check stabilized at 50 to 60% orabove.d. Engine #1 FADEC PRI-REV switch — PRI.e. FADEC FAIL caution — OUT.f. Repeat for Engine #2.J. 714A NO. 1 AND NO. 2 ENGINE REVERSIONARYSTART.Reference:TM 55-1520-240-23NOTEEither engine may be started first.
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