TM 1-1520-240-MTF
Allow one minute for cooling between APU
shutdown and restart. Failure to do so may result
in a premature shutdown on restart due to
B* 13. APU START Check as follows:
a. APU ON caution/advisory light illuminated.
b. UTIL HYD SYS caution Check out. If the
light does not go out within 30 seconds of
operation, shut down the APU. Have the
utility system checked.
B* 14. APU GEN switch ON. Check as follows:
a. NO. 1 and NO. 2 REC OFF caution out.
b. Avionics cooling fan on.
c. VGI alignment within 90 seconds.
15. GPU Disconnect if used. Check EXT PWR
light out.
B* 16. POWER XFR No. 1 and No. 2 switches ON.
Check HYD FLT CONT caution lights out within
30 seconds. If not out within 30 seconds
POWER XFR No. 1 and No. 2 switches off, do
not fly the aircraft.
BF* 17. Maintenance panel Check as follows:
F a. #1 and #2 HYD FLT Control pressures
within 2500 - 3200 PSI, $ 50 PSI maximum
F b. Utility hydraulic pressure within 2500 - 3500
PSI, $50 PSI maximum fluctuation.