TM 55-1520-240-PMPHASE NO. _____Area Name and No.Aircraft Serial No.DateFORWARD ROTOR, CROWN, ANDTUNNEL, AREA #7InspectPhaseNo’sInspection RequirementsStatusFaults and/or RemarksAction TakenInitialALL/C7.42 Entire area for structural damage,skin cracks, dents, buckling, looseor missing rivets, and evidence ofcorrosion. Paint for chipping andpeeling. Stencils and decals forcondition.1, 37.43 Inspect and lubricate rod endbearings located in the fwd rotor, crown,and tunnel area.ALL7.44 Swashplate for signs of damage,overheating, and accumulation ofgrease. Using a flashlight or othersuitable light source, visually inspectwith a mirror or flexible borescope thearea between the underside of therotating ring and stationary ring for anyslinging or clumping or grease/debris(i.e., seal, bearing cage, seal spring,wire, or other material). A thin beadof grease around the sealing area isconsidered normal."FOD REMINDER"Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection.2-54
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