TM 55-1520-240-PMPHASE NO. _____Area Name and No.Aircraft Serial No.DateRAMP AREA #8InspectPhaseNo’sInspection RequirementsStatusFaults and/or RemarksAction TakenInitialALL/C8.16 Aft synch shafts for chafing,scoring, and damage. Adaptersand plates for cracks and securityof hardware. Shock mounts for securityand freedom of movement. Rubberfor cuts or cracks, unbonding betweenrubber and metal parts, and evidenceof contact with support brackets. Shockmount support bushings for wear.Bearing for evidence of overheating.Support bracket for cracks, bending,and twisting. Retainer nut for presenceof cotter pin.ALL/C8.17 Aft transmission upper cover,mount lugs, and mounting hardware forsecurity, cracks, and corrosion.ALL/C8.18 Aft transmission support structurebetween stations STA 575.00, RBL8.00. LBL 8.00 and STA 534.00, RBL8.00 and LBL 8.00 for twisting, buckling,cracks, damage, and loose or missingrivets.ALL8.19 Aft transmission drip pan forcondition."FOD REMINDER"Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection.2-59
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