TM 55-1520-240-PMPHASE NO. _____Area Name and No.Aircraft Serial No.DateRAMP AREA #8InspectPhaseNo’sInspection RequirementsStatusFaults and/or RemarksAction TakenInitialALL8.20 No. 2 Flight boost hydraulic pumpand hoses for leaks.ALL8.21 Utility hydraulic pump and hosesfor leaks.ALL8.22 APU start accumulator housing,manifold, and mount fitting for leaks,damage, cracks, and security. Adjacentstructure for buckling and cracks.ALL8.23 Transmission mounted generators(left and right) for security of mounting,loose or missing hardware, andevidence of oil leaks. Wiring for securityof attachment and evidence of chafing.Terminal covers for cracking and properinstallation.ALL8.24 Utility hydraulic pressure controlmodule housing for leakage. Mountstructure for cracks, buckling, anddamage.48.25 Replace utility system filterelements at 800 hours.ALL8.26 APU electronic control unit andmount for condition and security.Electrical wiring and connectors fordamage, chafing and security."FOD REMINDER"Check work area for tools and parts after completion of maintenance and inspection.2-60
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