TM 55-1520-240-T6-2.3 TRANSMISSION CHIP DETECTORS AND DEBRIS SCREENS OPERATIONAL CHECK6-2.3INITIAL SETUPPersonnel Required:Applicable Configurations:Medium Helicopter Repairer (2)AllEquipment Condition:Tools:TM 55-1520-240-23:Container, Two QuartBattery ConnectedAircraft Mechanic's Tool Kit,Electrical Power OnNSN 5180-00323-4692Hydraulic Power OffMaterials:Visual Check of Transmission Chip Detectors andCloths (E120) Debris Screens Performed (Task 6-2.2).TASKRESULTCHECK INDICATORS1. Check that MAINT PNL circuit breaker (1) is closed.If MAINT PNL circuit breaker (1) is open, close it. If itopens again, go to Task 8- Check master caution panel (2).If NO. 1 or NO. 2 ENG CHIP DET (Without 74) ENG 1 or2 CHIP DETR (With 74) capsule (7 or 8) is lit, go to Task6-2.4. If XMSN CHIP DET (Without 74) XMSN CHIPDETR (With 74) capsule (9) is lit, go to Task 6-2.5.2. Check six TRANSMISSION CHIP DETECTOR indica- All indicators (3) shall be all-black. If any indicator (3)tors (3).displays black-and-white fan, go to Task 6-2.6.3. Check six TRANSMISSION DEBRIS SCREEN indica-All indictors (4) shall be all-black. If any indicator (4)tors (4).displays black-and-white fan, go to Task 6-2.7.WITH37WARNINGIf plug 235P9 is not disconnectedfrom fuzz burn off module, arcing canoccur while checking chip detectors.Damage to aircraft or personnel mayresult.3.1Disconnect plug 235P9 from fuzz burn off module (5).4. Set and hold GND switch (6) to TEST.NO. 1 and NO. 2 ENG CHIP DET(Without 74) ENG 1 or2 CHIPDETR (With 74 capsules (7 and 8) shall comeon. XMSN CHIP DET (Without 74) XMSN CHIP DETR(With 74) capsule (9) shall come on. All TRANSMIS-SION CHIP DETECTOR AND DEBRIS SCREEN indica-tors (3 and 4) shall change to black-and-white fans. If NO.1 or NO. 2 ENG CHIP DET (Without 74) ENG 1 or 2CHIP DETR (With 74) capsule (7 or 8) is out, go to Task4-7.3. If XMSN CHIP DET (Without 74) XMSN CHIPDETR (With 74) capsule (9) is out, go to Task 6-2.8. Ifany indicator (3) is all-black, go to Task 6-2.9. If anyindicator (4) is all-black, go to Task 6-2.10.GO TO NEXT PAGE6-32 Change 17
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