TM 55-1520-240-T6-2.3 TRANSMISSION CHIP DETECTORS AND DEBRIS SCREENS OPERATIONAL CHECK (Continued)6-2.3TASKRESULT5.Set GND switch (6) to RESET, then to GND.Indicators (3 and 4) shall change to all-black. If anyindicator display is not all-black, go to Task 6-2.6 or 6-2.7.CHECK FORWARD TRANSMISSION CHIP DETECTOR AND DEBRIS SCREEN INSTALLATION6. Disconnect connector from debris detection screencap (8).NOTECap holds 2to3ounces of oil.7. Hold container under cap (10). Push up center of capand pull down on cap edge to remove cap. Drain oilintocontainer.8. Filter drained oil through cloth (E120). Check cloth,screen (11), and chip detector (12) for debris. Retain debrisfor contamination analysis. (Refer to TM 55-1520240-23.)9. Connect connector to cap (10).CAUTIONBe careful when placing jumper wire onscreen. Rough handling could damagedebris screen.10. Place a jumper wire across at least four consecutiveFWD TRANSMISSION DEBRIS SCREEN indicator (13)wires on the inside mesh of screen (11).shall change to black-and-white fan. If it does not, go toTask 6-2.11.11. Remove jumper wire from debris screen. PlaceXMSN CHIP DET (Without 74) XMSN CHIP DETR (Withjumper wire across gap of chip detector (12).74) capsule (9) shall come on. FWD TRANSMISSIONCHIP DETECTOR indicator (14) shall change to black-and-white fan. If capsule (9)does not come on or indicator(14) does not change display, go to Task 6-2.12.12. Remove jumper wire . XMSN CHIP DET (Without 74)XMSN CHIP DETR (With74) capsule (9) shall go out.13. Set GND switch (6) to RESET, then to GND. Indicators (13 and 14) shall change to all-black.14. Install debris detection screen cap (10).GO TO NEXT PAGEChange 17 6-33
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