18-4.2HF LIAISON FACILITY VISUAL CHECK18-4.2TM 55-1520-240-TINITIAL SETUPApplicable Configurations:AllTools:Electrical Repairer’s Tool Kit,NSN 5180-00-323-4915Materials:NoneReferences:TM 55-1520-240-23Equipment Condition:TM 55-1520-240-23:Battery DisconnectedElectrical Power OffAvionics Equipment Rack Cover - CabinOffPersonnel Required:68F10 Aircraft ElectricianTASKRESULT1. Check HF Control (1).Loosen Dzus fasteners and check connectorof HF Control (1). If connector is loose ordamaged tighten or replace it as required. Ifwiring to connector is loose or damaged,tighten, repair, or replace it as required. Ifdisplay screen is damaged in any way replaceHF Control (1). If knobs are loose or brokentighten or replace as required. If pushbuttonsare damaged replace HF Control (1). ReinstallHF Control (1) in center console tightening theDzus fasteners.2. Check KY-100 Control (2).Loosen Dzus fasteners and check connectorof KY-100 Control (2). If connector is looseor damaged tighten or replace it as required.If wiring to connector is loose or damaged,tighten, repair, or replace it as required. Ifdisplay screen is damaged in any way replaceKY-100 Control (2). If knobs are loose orbroken tighten or replace as required. Ifpushbuttons are damaged replace KY-100Control (2). Reinstall KY-100 Control (2) incenter console tightening the Dzus fasteners.3. Check HF and KY-100 HF COMM CircuitBreakers (3).If breaker(s) (3) are loose or damaged tightenor replace as required. If wiring to breaker(s)are loose or broken tighten, repair, or replaceas required.TASK4. Check HF Receiver-TransmitterRT-1749(URC) (4).RESULTIf receiver (4) is loose or damaged tighten orreplace as required. If connectors to thereceiver are loose or damaged tighten orreplace as required. If wiring or cables toreceiver are loose or damaged tighten, repair,or replace as required.5.Check TSEC/KY-100 Processor (5).Loosen Dzus fasteners and check connectorof KY-100 Processor (5). If connector isloose or damaged tighten or replace it asrequired. If wiring to connector is loose ordamaged, tighten, repair, or replace it asrequired. If display screen is damaged in anyway replace KY-100 Processor (5). If knobsare loose or broken tighten or replace asrequired. If pushbuttons are damaged replaceKY-100 Processor (5). Reinstall KY-100Processor (5) in bracket under shelf number 2tightening the Dzus fasteners.6.Check HF Receiver/Transmitter BatteryIf Battery Box (6) is loose or damaged tightenBox, CY-8515/ARC-201 (6).or replace as required. If connector (7) isloose or damaged tighten or replace asrequired. If wiring to the connector is looseor damaged tighten, repair, or replace asrequired.7.Check Power Amplifier-CouplerAM-7531/URC (9).If Amplifier-Coupler (9) is loose or damagedtighten or replace as required. If connectorsto the amplifier are loose or damaged tightenor replace as required. If cables to Amplifier-Coupler J9724, J9721 and J9726 are looseor damaged tighten, repair, or replace asrequired. If cable to J9725 is loose tighten, ifdamaged replace ONLY, DO NOT REPAIRTHIS CABLE GOING TO ANTENNA.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:Replace Avionics Equipment Rack Cover - Cabin.GO TO THE NEXT PAGEChange 2118-101
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