TM 55-1520-240-T18-4.3HF LIAISON FACILITY OPERATIONAL CHECK (CONTINUED)TASKRESULTCHECK TSEC/KY-100 PROCESSOR19. Turn KY-100 Control (5) MODE switch (9)to OFFLINE and PRESET switch (17) toMAN. Connect a fill device to KY-100Control (5) fill connector (18). Push uparrow (22) until KEY OPS is displayed ondisplay (10). Push INIT button (19) todisplay LOAD KEY. Push INIT button (19),LOAD N with a flashing N will be shownon KY-100 Control (5) display (IO), wherethe N indicates currently selected keylocation, which can be changed bypressing the up or right arrow as needed.Press INlT button (19). The entire LOADN message will now be flashing. Turn onfill device and select key to be loaded.Press the INIT button (19) on KY-100control (5). When keyfill is complete, turnoff and disconnect the fill device from KY-100 control (5). Rotate KY-100 Control(5) Mode switch out of OFFLINE to exitkey load.NOTEPerform the following step after all checks arecomplete and just before shutdown.20. Pull the KY-100 Control (5) Mode Switch (9)and rotate it to Z ALL position.SECURE VOICE CHECK -RT-17429/URC AND TSEC/KY-100NOTEEnsure both KY-100 and HF Radio haveappropriate keys loaded for mode used.Upon completion of a successful load, a passtone will be heard and the display (10) willmomentarily indicate KEY N, where N is the keylocation loaded. If this does not occur, go to task18-4.18. The display (10) will then display,LOAD N with N flashing. This step can berepeated to load additional keys.All keys stored in locations 1 thru 6 and U will beerased. The KY Control (5) will display ZEROEDand a tone will be audible in headset. WhenMODE switch is rotated out of Z ALL position,PUSH INIT will be displayed meaning a COLDSTART is needed (a keyfill is necessary). IfZEROED is not seen on KY-100 Control (5)display (10), tone is not heard in headset, orPUSH INIT is not displayed when rotated out of ZALL position, go to task 18-4.19.21. Utilizing a known functional ground stationwith compatible HF and KY-100 keys loadedand an appropriate test frequency, turnaircraft KY-100 Control (5) Mode switch (9)to CT. Go into CT menu and set to CT. Setground station KY-100 Control Mode switchto PT. Transmit from ground station toaircraft HF system.The PT annunciator should be lit on the KY-100Control (5) Display (10) and plaintext should beheard in the headset. If neither occur, go to task18-4.20.18-4.3TASKRESULT22. Utilizing a known functional ground stationwith compatible HF and KY-100 keys loadedand an appropriate test frequency, turn theaircraft KY-100 Control (5) Mode switch (9)to CT. Go into the CT menu and set to CT.Set the ground station KY-100 Control Modeswitch to CT. Transmit from the groundstation to aircraft HF system.23. Utilizing a known functional ground stationwith compatible HF and KY-100 keys loadedand an appropriate test frequency, turn theaircraft KY-100 Control (5) Mode switch (9)to CT. Go into the CT menu and set to CT.Set the ground station KY-100 Control Modeswitch to CT. Transmit from the aircraft HFsystem to the ground station.24. Utilizing a known functional ground stationwith compatible HF and KY-100 keys loadedand an appropriate test frequency, turn theaircraft KY-100 Control (5) Mode switch (9)to CT. Go into the CT menu and set to CTONLY. Set the ground station KY-100 ControlMode switch to PT. Transmit from the groundstation to aircraft HF system.25. Utilizing a known functional ground stationwith compatible HF and KY-100 keys loadedand an appropriate test frequency, turn theaircraft KY-100 Control (5) Mode switch (9)to PT. with the CT menu set to CT. Set theground station KY-100 Control Mode switchto CT. Transmit from the ground station toaircraft HF system.SYSTEM SHUTDOWN26. Rotate HF Control (4) Function Switch (7) andKY-100 Control (5) Mode Switch (9) to OFF.Pull HF (COMM) and HF KY-100 (COMM)circuit breakers on No. 2 pdp.27. Stop APU. Refer to task 15-1.5.FOLLOW-ON MAINTENANCE:TM 55-1520-240-23:Electrical Power OffBattery DisconnectedThe RX and V annunciators should be lit on theKY-100 Control (5) Display (10) and plaintextshould be heard in the headset. If neither occur,go to task 18-4.21.The TX and V annunciators should be lit on theKY-100 Control (5) Display (10) in the aircraftand plaintext communication should be heard atground station. If neither occur, go to task 18-4.21.No communication should be audible in theaircraft headset.If communication does comethru, go to task 18-4.21.No communication should be audible in theaircraft headset.If communication does comethru, go to task 18-4.21.APU ON capsule shall go out.GO TO THE NEXT PAGEChange 2118-105
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