TM 55-1520-240-T18-4.3HF LIAISON FACILITY OPERATIONAL CHECK (CONTINUED)18-4.3TASKRESULT12. Turn HF Control (4) Function Switch (7) toT/R, Mode Switch (11) to MAN, Channel/NetSelector (14) to 1, and press the Edit line-select switch (3). Using the cursor keys (23),move cursor to beginning of RCV field anduse the Value switches (12) to enterfrequency of 2.5 MHz, AM mode. Press RTNline-select switch (3).13. While still tuned to 2.5MHz, AM, setSQUELCH to minimum by depressing SQLpushbuttons (16). Adjust VOL control (15) toa comfortable listening level. Note pitch ofaudio tone received. Then change to USBthen to LSB mode. Also, vary squelch settingby depressing SQL pushbuttons (16) to verifyaudio can be muted and unmuted.This tests reception of a distant station whichbroadcasts time and frequency primary standards.If reception is not clear, go to task 18-4.10.If the pitch of the audio tone received changessignificantly, go to next task. If squelch does notvary while depressing SQL pushbuttons (16) oraudio cannot be muted or unmuted, replace HFControl C-12436/URC.14. Repeat steps 12 and 13 for the followingfrequencies: 3.334, 5.0, 7.335, 10.0, 15.0and 20.0 MHz.15. Using either a preset or manually enteredauthorized test frequency establishcommunications with a known properlyfunctioning ground station (NOTE: If groundstation is on the same field, set the outputpower to LOW so communications will not bedistorted).NOTEEnsure Keys and Data are loaded intoARC-220 (steps 10 and 11) beforeperforming step 16.16. Set HF Control (4) Function Switch (7) to T/R,and Mode Switch (11) to ALE. Establishcommunication with a known properlyfunctioning ground station with a compatibleALE fill. Set Channel/Net selector (14) ofaircraft radio to call address of ground station.Place a call from aircraft HF radio to groundstation. After a link Is established and a callmade to the ground station, allow the link tobe broken by not using the radio for a periodof time (normally around 30 seconds, but theexact time Is programmed in the fill). Set theChannel/Net selector of ground station tocalled address of the aircraft radio under testand place a call to aircraft radio.Results should be the same as steps 12 and 13.Ensure selected channel is heard loud and clearwithout undesirable chirps, squeals, or hums, thruboth aircraft and ground station radios. If notrefer to task 18-4.10.The radio the call is being generated from shoulddisplay CALLING on HF Control Display line 3.After an appropriate delay a short gong tone isheard in the headset and LINKED is displayed ondisplay line 3. If CALL FAIL is displayed ondisplay line 3, go to task 18-4.11.Communication can begin after link is established.Headset audio is muted until a link is established.If headset audio is not muted or communicationscannot be established or is not clear, go to task18-4.10. After a period of inactivity the linkshould be broken. If link does not break, replaceHF Receiver-Transmitter RT-1749/URC. The radioreceiving an ALE call, will have INCOMING CALLdisplayed on HF Control display line 3 and theaddress fields will change to the caller’s.TASKRESULTALE address. When a link is established, a shortgong tone is heard in the headset and LINKED isdisplayed on display line 3. Communicationshould then be generated by the calling station.If reception is not clear, go to task 18-4.10.NOTEEnsure Keys and Data are loaded intoARC-220 (steps 10 and 11) beforeperforming step 17.17. Set HF Control (4) Function Switch (7) to T/R,and Mode Switch (7) to ECCM. Establishcommunication with a known functionalground station with a compatible ECCM fill.Set Channel/Net selector (14) of aircraft radioto ECCM net of ground station. Place a callfrom aircraft HF radio to ground station. Aftera link is established and a call made to theground station, allow the link to be broken bynot using the radio for a period of time(normally around 30 seconds, the exact timeis programmed in the fill). Set the Channel/Netselector of ground station to ECCM net of theaircraft radio under test and place a call toaircraft radio.NOTEPerform the following step after all checksare complete and just before shutdown.18. Gently pull and turn HF Control (4) FunctionSwitch (7) to ZERO position.If the HF Control displays UNTUNED orUNSYNCH after an ECCM net is chosen, eitherpress TUNE line-select switch or microphone PTTswitch. HF Control (4) will display TUNINGfollowed by SYNCHING while the process isoccurring. When SYNCHING is no longerdisplayed, the system is ready for ECCMoperation. If system cannot be tuned or synched,go to task 18-4.12. The radio from which a callis initiated the following will occur: preambletones will be heard, wait until they cease beforecommunicating; when link is established a shortgong tone sounds in headset, LINKED is displayedand headset audio is restored. If this callingsequence does not occur, go to tasks 18-4.13and 18-.14. If after a period of inactivity the linkis not broken, go to task 18-15. When a call isbeing received RCVING PREAMBLE is displayedbefore communications from the calling station isheard. If RCVING PREAMBLE is not displayed goto task 18-4.16. If communications is notreceived from calling station, go to task 18-4.10.All preprogrammed information, including datafilland keyfill data, will be erased. The HF Control(4) will display ZEROIZED. If ZEROIZED is notdisplayed, go to task 18-4.17.GO TO THE NEXT PAGE18-104 Change 21
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