TM 55-1520-240-T18-4.3HF LIAISON FACILITY OPERATIONAL CHECKINITIAL SETUPApplicable Configurations:AllTools:Electrical Repairer’s Tool Kit,NSN 5180-00-323-4915Materials:NonePersonnel Required:Aircraft Electrician (2)References:TM 11-1520-240-23TM 11-5821-357-12TM 55-1520-240-10TM 55-1520-240-23Equipment Condition:TM 55-1520-240-23:Battery ConnectedElectrical Power OffHydraulic Power OffHF Liaison Facility Visual Check Performed(Task 18-4.2)TASKRESULTCHECK CIRCUIT BREAKERS1. Check that the following circuit breakers onNo. 2 pdp (1) are closed:HF (COMM)HF KY-100 (COMM)If any circuit breaker is open, close it.2. Start APU. Refer to task 15-1.5.APU ON capsule shall come on.CHECK HF CONTROL C-12436/UR3. Turn aircraft CTR CSL LTG control (2)clockwise and counterclockwise whilechecking HF Control (4) panel lighting.4. Turn HF Control (4) Function Switch (7) toT/R and press the HF Control (4) upper andlower brightness switches (6) whilechecking the HF Control (4) Display (8)Intensity level.CHECK TSEC/KY-100 CONTROL (RCU)5. Turn KY-100 Control (5) BRT PNL Knob (21)clockwise half-way to full-bright. Turn aircraftCTR CSL LTG control (2) clockwise andcounterclockwise while checking KY-100Control (5) panel lighting. Turn CTR CSL LTGControl (2) so KY-100 Control (5) panellighting is at a comfortable level. Rotate KY-100 Control (5) BRT PNL Knob (21) clockwiseand counterclockwise while checking KY -100Control (5) Display Screen (10) intensity level.HF Control (4) panel light shall vary with thechanging setting of the aircraft dimmer control(3). If HF Control (4) panel light is not visible orintensity level does not vary with aircraft dimmercontrol (3), go to task 18-4.4.HF Control display screen (8) intensity level shallvary with the changing setting of the brightnessswitches (6). If no display appears or intensitylevel does not vary, go to task 18-4.5.KY-100 Control (5) panel light shall vary with thechanging setting of the aircraft dimmer control(2). If KY-100 Control (5) panel light is notvisible or intensity level does not vary with KY-100 Control (5) BRT PNL Knob (21), and or ifintensity level does not vary with aircraft dimmercontrol (3) go to task 18-4.6.6. Turn KY-100 Control (5) Mode Switch (9) toOFFLINE and press the HF Control (4) upperbrightness switch (6) and turn the KY-100Control (5) BRT DISPL knob (24) clockwiseand counterclockwise while checking thedisplay screen (10) intensity level.KY-100 Control display screen (10) intensity levelshall vary with the changing setting of thebrightness control knob (8). If no display appearsor intensity level does not vary, go to task 18-4.6.CHECK HF RECEIVER-TRANSMITTERRT-1749/URC7. Turn HF Control (4) Mode Switch (7) toSTBY.8. While still in STBY mode, depress the line-select switch (3) which points to TEST thendepress BIT line-select switch (3) to initiateRCV BlT.9. Upon successful completion of RCV BIT andafter KEY HF FOR TRANSMIT TEST or PTTFOR XMT BIT is displayed on HF Control (4)Display (8) depress and hold headset PTTswitch to Initiate XMT BlT. Release PTTswitch.10. While still in STBY mode, press FILL line-select switch (3). Use HF Control (4) VALUEswitches (12) to select DATA In TYPE: fieldon line 1 of HF Control Display (8).11. While still in STBY mode, press FILL line-select switch (3). Use HF Control (4) VALUEswitches (12) to select KEY In TYPE: field online 1 of HF Control Display (8).After a 30-second warm-up the HF Control Display(5) shall display SYSTEM TESTING while power-upBIT (P-BIT) is in process. After the test iscomplete SYSTEM-GO is displayed if all checkedgood. If a fault is detected, SYSTEM-NO GO isdisplayed. Go to task 18-4.7 if SYSTEM-NO GO isdisplayed.Wait 90 seconds. Upon successful completion ofRCV BIT, RCV BIT GO is displayed. If any othermessage is displayed, go to task 18-4.8.Wait 90 seconds. Upon successful completion ofXMT BIT, XMT BIT GO is displayed. If any othermessage is displayed, go to task 18-4.8.The HF Receiver-Transmitter is now ready toreceive data from a Data Transfer Device (DTD).Connect DTD to HF Control (4) DATA connector(13) and initiate datafill from DTD. LOADING isdisplayed during datafill. LOAD COMPLETE isdisplayed if datafill is successful. If LOAD FAIL isdisplayed, go to task 18-4.9.The HF Receiver-Transmitter is now ready toreceive secure keys from a Data Transfer Device(DTD). Connect DTD to HF Control (4) KEYconnector (20) and initiate keyfill from DTD.LOADING is displayed during fill. LOADCOMPLETE is displayed if keyfill is successful. IfLOAD FAIL is displayed, go to task 18-4.9.8-4.3GO TO THE NEXT PAGEChange 2118-103
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