TM 55-1560-307-13&PSection IV. SERVICE/MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES3-10.MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES . The AVUMprocedures include servicing, inspecting, and replacingthe ERFS tanks, FMCP, ECP, hose assemblies,pressure switches, and fuel pumps.3-11.SERVICE. The 600 gallon tanks will beserviced with JP-4, -5, -8 fuel as required. Utilize splashfill or pressure refueling techniques, Figures 3-1 and3-2.CAUTION· Assure tank filler caps are free of sandand any other foreign matter.· Check each tank internally for foreignobjects, sand and water, and remove asappropriate. Ensure the inspectionincludes the dump valve opening locatedat the bottom front of each tank.· Hoses and pump board must be openedand inspected for foreign material ordamage prior to being installed.· Inspect fuel filter for foreign material,damage, and serviceability.· Upon first fueling of each tank, use thesplash fill method with 25 to 50 gallonsof fuel in both the forward and aft fillcaps and be sure to wash all sides of thetank.·Obtain a fuel sample from each tank. If fuelis found contaminated, defuel tank,clean, and refill again as describedabove. Repeat until an acceptable fuelsample is obtained, then fill the tank tothe desired level.3-12.MAINTENANCE OF ERFS TANKCOMPONENTS.GRAVITY REFUELING.This task covers:a.Grounding procedures.b.Fuel servicing tanks.INITIAL SETUPTools:Flashlight (explosion proof)Personnel required: (4/MOS 67U)Materials/Parts:Fuel JP-4, -5, -8,(items 7, 8, 9, Appx D)EquipmentConditions:Refer to Figure 3-1.Aircraft shutdown and all electricalpower off.Refueling vehicle parked minimum of 10feet from helicopter.Helicopter on level ground parked atleast 50 feet from any structure.Helicopter grounded.Fuel vehicle grounded.Fuel tank grounded to aircraft.REFUELING1.Connect hose grounding lead (1) to tank groundreceptacle (2).2.Remove filler port cap (3).3.Ensure that the tank cam lever dump valve isclosed.3-11
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