TM 55-1560-307-13&PWARNINGELECTRICAL GROUNDING OF THEHELICOPTER. Army regulations require the groundingof the helicopter when parked and during all fueling anddefueling operations. No electrical switches shall beoperated except those necessary for servicing duringfueling and defueling.Fueler must exercise caution during fueling. If fuelis spilled inside the aircraft, removal of cabin floorpanels may be required, aircraft purged with cleanwater, and allowed to air dry. All spilled fuel must beremoved prior to continuing operation. See TM 55-1520-240-23 for additional instructions, para 2-204.3-13.PRESSURE REFUELING.This task covers:a. Grounding procedures.b. Refueling ERFS tanks.INITIAL SETUPTools:Flashlight (explosion proof).Materials/Parts:JP-4,-5,-8 (items 7, 8, 9, Appx D)Refueling TruckRefueling Adapter Nozzle, P/N AE82605REquipmentConditions:Same as gravityrefueling.Refer to Figure 3-2.1.Ground the helicopter as required.CAUTIONNo aircraft electrical power or auxiliarypower unit is required when pressurefueling or defueling.2.Connect fuel hose ground wire (1) to tank receptacle(2).3.Remove dust cap from coupling assembly on hose(3).WARNINGThe ERFS vents must be open duringrefueling and defueling operations. TheERFS tanks cannot be exposed tointernal pressure of over 5 psi, or failurewill occur.4.Remove fuel filler port (4) cap.5.Install pressure refueling adapter (5) to manifoldhose (3), and install fuel truck D-1 pressure hose (6) toadapter.6.Refueling sequence. Tank 4, 3, 2, 1 rear to forwarddue to a 2 degree nose up attitude of the aircraft.NOTEAfter all tanks are filled, do not open all 4tank cam levers at the same time. Fuelwill seek its own level and could causetanks 3 and 4 to overfill. This couldcause a fuel spill.7.Ensure tank cam lever on tank to be filled is openedand closed on other tanks. Isolate other tanks byclosing the quick disconnect coupling on hoseconnected from cam lever to manifold TEE.8.Start pressure refueling at no greater than 35 psitruck delivery pressure and 150 gallons per minutemaximum.9.With an explosion proof flashlight, carefully watchfuel level and stop refueling when level is up to top offuel filler port.10. Close tank cam lever and proceed to the next tankto be filled.11. Close either side of hose coupling to isolate filledtank before filling next tank.3-14
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