TM 55-1560-307-13&P4.Insert hose nozzle (4) into filler port. Fill tank toproper level.NOTE· No aircraft electrical power required tofuel ERFS tanks.· Fill tanks to 580 gallons and check fuelquantity level indicators. Refer to Table3-1, fuel quantity, gallons, and poundsdecals.5.Remove nozzle (4) from filler port.6.Install filler port cap (3) and secure.7.Disconnect ground lead (1) from tank receptacle (2).WARNING· Observe all cautions and warningsposted on tanks when refueling theERFS. Minimum personnel will bepresent during refueling operations.Ensure ERFS and aircraft vents, andcargo and troop doors are open beforerefueling starts. Adequate fire fightingequipment will be readily available perunit SOP.· FUELING/DEFUELING. When refuelingERFS or operating a forward arearefueling system (FARE), the vehicleused to service or is being serviced willbe parked a minimum of 20 feet from thehelicopter.· Before refueling and defueling the ERFS,the fuel truck must be grounded toground and aircraft. During defuelingoperations and/or fare operations,ensure all aircraft electrical switches areturned off. Refer to FM 10-68.Table 3-1. Fuel Quantity, Gallons, and Pounds Decals3-13
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