TM 55-6930-212-10
8-57. The CRT displays consist of forward and aft CRT's formatted as shown in figure 8-8. Data can be interchanged
between displays, and any data displayed on the forward CRT can be recorded and printed on the hardcopy unit. The
display system has controls for focus, intensity, and contrast for each CRT.
8-59. The forward CRT contains the trainer status display (TSD) in the top 4 inches of the display, the auxiliary
information display (AID) in the center 10 inches of the display, and the scratchpad in the lower 2 inches of the display.
8-60. The TSD contains airspeed/altitude time history, malfunction status, trainer and environmental conditions status,
time, and alerts. (See figure 8-9.) The alerts area displays any errors in key aspects of student performance, such as
altitude, airspeed, and rotor speed. Items in the TRN and ENV status area, such as wind velocity (WV) and wind
direction (WD), are self-explanatory. The frequency displayed shows frequency and radio set of the last transmission.
8-61. The AID displays data such as initial conditions, current conditions, malfunction lists, and navigation station facility
data. During load operations or ILS/GCA operations, a stylized display can be selected for display on the AID. An index
presents a listing of the data available. The index is shown automatically when the simulator is turned on. (See figure 8-
8-62. AFT CRT.
8-63. The upper 4 inches of the aft CRT display contains the communications facility data (CFD). The lower 12 inches
are used for the ground plot display (GPD). (Data that can be transferred into the GPD area of the CRT is discussed in
Section II of this chapter.)
8-64. Displays that can be transferred onto the AID area are:
Initial conditions
Current conditions
GCA/ILS display
Load meter (sling load) display
NAV facilities
8-65. The area maps are presented on the GPD. The PLOT STORE switchlight on the IOS forward control panel is used
to produce a hardcopy of the displays on the forward CRT. To get hardcopy printouts of the GPD's and other items on
the aft CRT, the displays must be switched, using the INTERCHANGE CRT UP and/or INTERCHANGE CRT DOWN
8-66. A typical current conditions display is shown in figure 8-11. A typical NAV facilities group display is shown in figure
8-12. Examples of the remaining CRT displays are shown in figure 8-13.