TM 55-6930-212-10Table 7-2. Simulated Malfunction Details - ContinuedMethod ofIndications and effects onEffects sensed by traineeintroductionrelated systems as presentedif corrective action isMalfunctionby instructorto the instructor and traineenot takenDoppler NAV RTA314DOP NAV RTA appears on CRT.1. In navigate mode,(receiver trans-MEM light illuminatesmitter antenna) (after 8 sec).2.In test mode. MEMlight extinguishesand MAL light illumi-nates, MN R00000(after 15 sec).Doppler NAV SDC315DOP NAV SDC appears on CRT.1.In navigate mode, MEM(signal data con-and MAL lightsverter) powerilluminate.2.In test mode. NGS890000 (after 15sec.).LF receiver316LF station identification is notCrew does not receive sta-possible. ADF pointers remaintion identification. ADFfixed at last position prior topointers remain fixed atfailure.last position prior tofailure.Marker beacon317Marker identification is notMarker beacon systempossible. Marker lights areinoperative.inoperative. Marker lightspress-to-test is inoperative.VOR receiver318If tuned to a valid VOR station:VOR navigation system1.Station ident is disabled.inoperative.2.VOR pointers remain fixedat 1200.3.NAV flag appears in ID-2103.4.Vertical needle in ID-2103centers.7-7
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