TM 55-6930-212-10Table 7-2. Simulated Malfunction Details - ContinuedMethod ofIndications and effects onEffects sensed by traineeintroductionrelated systems as presentedif corrective action isMalfunctionby instructorto the instructor and traineenot takenRadar altimeter336Aircraft begins to climb orIf RAD ALT is ENGAGED,power faildescend off selected altitudealtitude hold functionif RAD ALT is ENGAGED.OFF flag is lost and thrust rodappears, digital display andbegins to creep.caution lights go out, andpointer remains at last validindication when power was lost.APR-39 antenna337Instructor:APR-39 appears on AN/APR-39 gives erroneousfailCRT. test indications. InTrainee:APR-39 gives wrongnormal operations, notest indications.signals from left forwardquadrant.M-130 eject fail338M-130 fails to dispense flaresFLARE TEST switch on ALQ-on command of ALQ-156 and re-156 does not function.sults in the aircraft beingKILLED. M-130 does not ejectflares. Flare counter doesnot decrement.ALQ-156 fail339Failure of radar system to detectFailure of radar system toincoming missiles. CMINOP cau-detect incoming missiles.tion light illuminates. NoCMINOP caution light illu-dispense signal to M-130 system.minates. No dispense sig-nal to M-130 system.7-10
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